Saturday, May 23, 2015

Do The Thing: Potatoes, Lemons, and Motivation

It's been a while since I've put up any updates. Since my last post I've been able to build up quite a backlog. I'm currently sitting at around 20 kits, with one more on the way (HGBF Crossbone Gundam). That will probably be my last kit for a while, as I've committed to a "no buying of new kits until I build one from the stock" policy. 

I logged in today just to check on my older posts and look at pictures, and to my surprise the old gunpla posts are still receiving hits. Hello, fellow gunpla builders. Hopefully my posts have been helpful. 

Gunpla has taken a bit of a backseat, but I will be starting again soon, along with a bunch of other things I've put on hold for too long.

"Do the thing!" has been my go to "catch-phrase" for a while, and it's ironic how rarely I've actually done.. anything. Life has gotten in the way, but it's not like it hasn't done that before. The only difference between then and now is that I've let it give me shitty lemons for too long.

You can't keep waiting for time to fix things. You can't rely on people to fix things for you. If you want to get it done, and get it done how you want it - best do it yourself.