Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bandai HG 1/144 GN Arms Type E + Gundam Exia - Transam Mode

For the next kit showcase, we have the GN Arms Type E and the Exia in TransAm mode. Now this kit isn't mine so I can't do any crazy poses; I borrowed it over the weekend from a friend from work. I actually had to transport the assembled kit in a box lined with bubble wrap.

Please bear in mind that this is a straight up snap-build so excuse the nubs.

The GN Arms Type E

First up, we have the actual GN Arms, a mobile armor and weapons platform for the Gundams of Celestial Being. This is the Type E as it was designed to go with the Exia. Another version exists, the Type D, which was designed for the Dynames.

Here we have photos showing off how it looks in mobile armor mode which I am a big fan off. It may look pretty bulky, but it manages to give off that feeling of still being fast and highly maneuverable - having seven boosters pushing probably helps.

Here we get a shot of the GN Claws on stand-by, and a peek at the GN Cannons stored underneath the unit's top armor.

Those GN Cannons are massive; I actually thought I was looking at the kit wrong and was looking at the boosters. We'll get to see the GN Claws in action later.

A shot of the front of the unit showcasing its bulk; another shot of the rear showcasing the booster system -two of the seven are concealed close to massive boosters on top.

I missed the the middle and biggest booster on the previous photos but here it is. Unlike the other, it is able to move independently - contributing to the units maneuverability.

A close up shot of the middle booster, and a shot of the GN Arms switching from mobile armor to weapons platform mode.

Gundam Exia TransAm Mode 

This unit needs no introduction. It's the main unit from the series. In TransAm mode. Watch Gundam 00. Highly recommend it. I am 50/50 on the movie.

If you purchase the GN Arms Type E, you also get this version of the Exia. It is pretty much identical with the High Grade, with the exception of the stickers and decals that come with the unit.

You may also notice that it is different from the normal TransAm version as it is not pink which is a big plus for me. I've never been a fan of the TransAm versions.

As I said, the only difference between the normal high grade and this one are the stickers. Lots of red instead of the normal pink and grey.

We get a very nice black and red sticker instead of the normal green. The text is too small to read given the scale but its a nice touch.

Instead of the normal green sticker at the back of the clear piece on the chest, we get a sticker that reads GN-001 Celesital Being. I wish they sold this sticker sheet separately so I can do this to my Exia.

The stickers for the rest of the clear pieces which are normally green have been replaced with black and red with text that reads 00 (and others which should be text but are unreadable - because scale).

The 'wires' that go from the shoulders to arms which are originally a light shade of blue have also been replaced with red pieces.

GN Arms Type E + Exia 

Finally, we have the GN Arms in weapons platform mode. I'm a big fan of the Dendrobium, and the Meteor units from SEED. I must say the GN Arms is definitely up there with them in sheer badassery.

This post sure has a lot of text for a showcase, from this point on I'll let the pictures do (most) of the talking. If you haven't already, do check it out in action.

The Exia combined with GN Arms. The unit attaches to the platform through the hole underneath the kit normally used for action stands.

The feet also docks on to footholds on the platform, but these are mostly for effect only.

The GN Cannons. These things supposedly pack as much kick as the GN Bazooka used by the Virtue - and this unit has two of them.

The GN Claws. Following the Exia's theme, they provide the unit with close-quarter combat capabilities, but are also capable of mid to long range combat thanks to the beam guns behind each arm.

While this is no review, if you're thinking about picking up this kit, I say go ahead and buy it. Hopefully these pictures can help you decide.

If I didn't already have an Exia or Dynames, I'd probably pick one up for myself - the GN Arms is a pretty impressive kit.